Ingredients A
620 gm cake flour
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda
320 gm castor sugar
350 gm cooking chocolate chopped
160 gm cocoa powder
Ingredients B
300 gm butter (melted)
500 gm cream
4 eggs
6 ripe bananas
Ingredients C
Chocolate for garnish
Pink chocolate rice
Chocolate M & M
How to cook:
1. Combine all ingredients and mix well A
2. Combine and mix butter, whipping cream and eggs together until smooth and add the item A above. Stir briefly
3. Then add the mashed bananas and mix well
4. Put batter in muffin container and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius or 190 degrees Celsius
5. Once cool, pour the cooking chocolate and sprinkle chocolate rice and garnish pink M & M chocolate for garnish
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